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Setting Up a Cisco 3G Backup Solution

  1. Confirm that the cellular interface card has been installed with the relevant 3G simcard.
  2. Unlock the 3g simcard with the correct pin number. In below command 0000 is your pin number.
  3. cellular 0/0/0 gsm sim unlock 0000

  4. Create the cellular gsm profile. The username and password is what you authenticate too. In some instances it may be a service that the ISP provides or you may have your own service. Such as a RADIUS service.
  5. cellular 0/0/0 gsm profile create 1 chap password ipv4

  6. Create the chat script which will be used to establish connection with the ISP. “ATDT*98*1#” is what is used to connect to the ISP. You will need to contact your ISP to determine what code they use to allow connections.Read More »Setting Up a Cisco 3G Backup Solution

My Favourite WordPress Plugin

If you have been a user of WordPress for even a short period. You would know that plugins is a way of life for WordPress and the hundreds of thousands of plugins proves it.

I have experienced lots of plugins in my life with WordPress and none would strike me as worthy to be talked about. Because lets face it plugins are not really the most exciting topic to talk about.

But there is one plugin which has been working in the background of my WordPress installation. Which I am always thankful for having around. What is this plugin you may ask?
Read More »My Favourite WordPress Plugin