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Backup Netscaler Configuration Files to Git using Ansible

Out of the box Netscaler VPX has backup solution, which can be used for most recovery situations. As long as the backup file is stored external to the system.

But for situations where you want to audit any changes to the configuration and have the configuration under version control the solution does not work. This is where Git comes into the picture. With Git it can provide virtual control, a way of backing up the configuration file external to the device. If you want you could also make the configuration file become part of CI/CD pipeline.



  1. Git Check
  2. Check directory to copy files to exists
  3. Fetch ns.conf from the Netscalers
  4. Save result to the config directory
  5. Decode Base64 File
  6. Delete Base64 File as its no longer needed.
  7. Hash out sensitive details local username and passwords. (Optional)
  8. Hash out RPC password. (Optional)
  9. Git add config files.
  10. Git Commit
  11. Git Push

Hosts Inventory File


Vault Var File

To keep things secure we utilise ansible vault to encrypt the login credentials in a var. Note nsroot is used as an example, it’s always recommended to use something other then nsroot.

ns_user: nsroot
ns_pass: IAmAPassword$$

Playbook netscaler-backup.yml


  - name: start
    hosts: all
    connection: local
    gather_facts: false


     - name: Include Vault var file
       include_vars: ns-cred.yml 
       no_log: true   


      - name: Git Check
        delegate_to: localhost
          dest: ./configs
          version: master
          key_file: /home/jrasnier/.ssh/id_ed25519
          accept_hostkey: true
          force: true

      - name: Ensure a directory exists
          path: ./configs/{{inventory_hostname}}
          state: directory

      - name: Fetch ns.conf
          url: "https://{{ansible_host}}/nitro/v1/config/systemfile/ns.conf?args=filelocation:%2Fnsconfig%2F"
          method: GET
          status_code: 200
          validate_certs: no
          return_content: yes
            X-NITRO-USER: "{{ns_user}}"
            X-NITRO-PASS: "{{ns_pass}}"
        no_log: true
        register: result

      - name: Save result to config directory
          content: "{{ result.json.systemfile[0].filecontent }}"
          dest: "./configs/{{inventory_hostname}}/b64encode-file"

      - name: base64 decode
        shell: cat "./configs/{{inventory_hostname}}/b64encode-file" | base64 -d > "./config/{{inventory_hostname}}/ns.conf"

      - name: cleanup base64encode file
        shell: rm "./configs/{{inventory_hostname}}/b64encode-file"

      - name: clear local user passwords
        delegate_to: localhost
          path: "./configs/{{inventory_hostname}}/ns.conf"
          regexp: '(set|add)\s(system user\W.*)'
          replace: "#Encyrpted username and password OMITTED" 

      - name: clear rpcNode passwords
        delegate_to: localhost
          path: "./configs/{{inventory_hostname}}/ns.conf"
          regexp: '(set)\s(ns rpcNode.*)'
          replace: "#rpcNode passwords OMITTED"

  - name: Git up to date
    hosts: localhost


     - name: Include Vault var file
       include_vars: ns-cred.yml


      - name: Git Add
        shell: "git add *"
          chdir: ./config
        register: gitadd

      - debug:
          msg: "{{gitadd.cmd}}"

      - name: Git Commit
        shell: git commit -m "Ansible Backup"
          chdir: ./config
        register: gitcommit
        #when: git.msg is defined

      - debug:
          msg: "{{gitcommit}}"
      - name: Git Push
        shell: git push -u origin master 
          chdir: ./config
        register: gitpush
        #when: git.msg is defined
      - debug:
          msg: "{{gitpush}}"

To run the playbook.

$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml

Here is the tree showing the file structure, noting that lots of these tasks could be redone into roles.

├── config
├── group_vars
│   ├── all
│   ├── dev_vpx_test
│   └── ns_vpx
├── hosts
├── netscaler-backup.yml
└── vars
    └── ns-cred.yml

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